Latest Updates - January 17, 2025
Men's Day Reflection
Holy Year Pilgrimage-Rome
Pilgrimage to Italy.
Fr. Ronnie Tagnines from Our lady of the Scapular Parish in Niagara Falls is leading a pilgrimage from April 06 - 19,2026 to include Venice, Padua, Pisa, Florence, Assisi, Cascia, Loreto, Padre Pio & Rome for $5499 each in double occupancy.
Please contact Fr. Ronnie at cell.# 709 690 4946 or Ray Karborani from Biblical Journeys Canada Travel Agency for more details at
cell. # 289 990 9841 &
Thank you. In Christ. Raed ( Ray) Karborani
Biblical Journeys Canada Travel Agency
Managing Director & Owner
2508 Silvan Street, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2J4K5, Canada.
Tel. & Fax # 289 296 3290 Cell. # 289 990 9841 & 289 990 9837
TICO # 50025192
Holy Year Pilgrimage-Germany
Fr. Peter Rowe and Ineke Brinkman will be travelling on a Holy Year pilgrimage May 12 - 23, 2025: The Meuse to the Seine, Catholic and cultural heritage sites in Benelux, Germany, North of France. For more information please see the side bulletin board in the foyer.
Serra Club - Murder Mystery
Visit the website for more information.
Separated & Divorced Healing Ministry
This program is designed to support marriages in crisis and can be of assistance to couples who have separated but are willing to work on their relationship to help repair the difficulties that exist. The next upcoming dates are October 18 - 20, 2024 in Hamilton. Contact Retrouvaille 905-664-5212 or email to register.
Past Updates
Full-time Financial Assistant
The Diocese of St. Catharines is seeking a full-time Financial Assistant. The successful applicant will be responsible for all aspects of financial accounting (including accounts receivable, accounts payable, bank reconciliations, trial balances and unaudited financial statements), payroll, employee benefits, pension plan, annual charity return and providing bookkeeping support to parishes. A Detailed job description can be found on the diocesan website at: Interested applicants are invited to submit a resume by January 15, 2025 to John O'Brien, CFO (
The Vineyard
The most recent edition of The Vineyard is now available.
Here is a link to the October issue of the Vineyard.
See the Diocese of St. Catharines website for more information: